

  • 24-30 November 2024

    From 24 to 30 November 2024.the Seminar on Tax Administration and Digitalization hosted by the BRITACEG was successfully held at BRITA·Yangzhou.The seminar attracted 27 tax ofcials from 11 iurisdictions, including Mongolia,Maldives,Georgia, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh,Thailand, Saudi Arabia,Uzbekistan,Vietnam, Hong Kong of China,and Macao of China. Focusing on the theme of tax administration and digitalization, the seminar set up courses on optimnization and improvement of tax administration system, development and practice of digitalization of tax administration, and application of big data, and organized the participants to go to the liangsu Smart Taxation Experience Center,and the taxpayer service hall of Guangling District,Yangzhou City, for on-site teaching.
  • 6 November 2024

    In early November 2024, the eighth Tax Administration Theme Day was co-hosted by the National Tax and Custom,Administration of Hungary(NTCA) and the BRITACOM Secretariat via a virtual seminar and an online exhibition on a dedicated webpage, attracting over 150 representatives from BRITACOM Member Tax Administrations, Observers,the Advisory Board and business entities.
  • September 2024

    The Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024) was successfully concluded during the 5th BRITACOE marked by releasing a series of reports including the Report of the lask Forcon Raising Iax Certainty (2022-2024),Report of the lask Foron Promoting Iax Administration Digitalization(2022-2024) and Report ofthe Iask Force on Improving Iax Environmeni (2022-2024),introducing the background and scope of the corresponding themes, analyzing the overall situation based on the questionnaires, sharing good practices and advanced experiences,and putting forward suggestions for future development. The Report on the Wrk ofthe BRITACEG (2022-2024)and the Video Showcasing the liaining Achievements othe BRITACEG (2022-2024) were also released during the 5th BRITACOF providing a comprehensive picture of the development and progress of the BRITACEG over the past three years.
  • September 2024

    The establishment of the BRITA·Algiers was ofcially announced at the 5th BRITACOF BRITA·Algiers is dedicated to providing training programs in French and Arabic to tax offcials from African countries. The number of BRlTAs has now increased to six, located in Yangzhou(China),Beijing(China),Macac (China),Astana (Kazakhstan),Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and Algiers (Algeria).
  • September 2024

    During the 5th BRITACOF, the Maldives Inland Reve-nue Authority was approved to join BRITACOM as a Coun-cil Member Tax Administration. With this addition, BRITA-COM now has 37 members and 30 observers, establishing itself as an important multilateral tax cooperation platform in the international tax arena under the Belt and Road Initiative.
  • 24-26 Septembe 2024

    The 5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF), themed “Deepening Tax Administration Cooperation for High-Quality Belt and Road Development”, was successfully held in Hong Kong, China on 24-26 September. The event brought together more than 500 participants, including heads of tax adminis-trations from nearly 50 tax jurisdictions, representatives from 13 international organizations, and more than 40 prominent global enterprises, both physically and virtually.
    Hosted by the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong SAR, China, the three-day event included Council Meetings and plenary sessions. Participants engaged in in-depth exchanges on topics such as improving tax environ-ment, enhancing tax administration capacity and promoting tax administration cooperation along the Belt and Road. Nine major outcomes were announced during the event.
  • 6 September 2024

    On 6 September, Guangdong Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Administration (STA) of China and the Finan-cial Services Bureau of Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region of China signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, marking the official establishment of the BRI-TA•Macao (Hengqin Campus) in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Guangdong, China. Tax and fiscal officials from nine jurisdictions, including the Mainland of China, Macao SAR of China, Angola, Brazil, and Cape Verde, attended the signing ceremony to witness this significant milestone.
  • August 2024

    By August 2024, BRITACEG experts have reviewed and enhanced all 65 courses within the curriculum system, which in-cludes 4 themes, 8 topics, and 27 sub-topics. The course content has been updated and expanded to incorporate the latest trends in international taxation, making the curriculum more scientific and up-to-date. Furthermore, BRITACEG has provided English subtitles for online courses to improve trainee understanding.
  • 4-5 July 2024

    From 4 to 5 July, the BRITACOM successfully held an event on the development of the BRITAs. Representatives from five Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academies (BRITAs): BRITA•Astana, BRITA•Beijing, BRITA•Macao, BRI-TA•Riyadh and BRITA•Yangzhou, attend the event. Mean-while, tax administrations of Algeria, Uruguay, and other jurisdictions, as well as international organizations such as the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and representatives from BRITACEG experts and embassies based in China, partici-pated in the event either on-site or online. 
  • Mid-May to Mid-June 2024

    The seventh Theme Day Event of the BRITACOM from Mid-May to Mid-June, focusing on Tajikistan’s tax policies, tax administration, taxpayer services, and tax incentives for attracting investment and optimizing business environment, is co-hosted by the Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the BRITACOM Secretariat. The virtual seminar of the event was held on 29 May 2024 with speakers sharing their views and practices on the above-mentioned topics, attended by representatives from the BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations, Observers, the Advisory Board, and the businesses. More information about the theme day event could be found on the dedicated webpage of the BRITACOM website (

  • May 2024

    The BRITACOM Secretariat visited Asia World-Expo (AWE) in Hong Kong SAR, China, the venue for the up-coming fifth BRITACOF. During the visit, they engaged in comprehensive discussions with the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong SAR, China to discuss the preparation for the fifth BRITACOF. Additionally, the Secretariat made a trip to BRITA·Macao and held a meeting with their counterparts to discuss the advancements within the BRI-TACEG. Furthermore, the BRITACOM delegation participated in a seminar on “Tax Dispute Resolution” hosted by BRITA·Macao, where they interacted with attendees from Portuguese-speaking countries. They shared insights on the progress of the BRITACOM and the training initiatives of the BRITACEG, fostering a collaborative exchange of information and expertise.
  • 20-23 May 2024

    The BRITA·Astana hosted a webinar on “International Experience in Tax Administration”. This intensive three-day training programme covered a wide array of topics, including the OECD two-pillar solution and its impact on emerging and developing countries, the Mutual Agreement Procedure and Tax Arbitration, as well as the evolving Institutional Infrastructure of International Taxation. The event attracted participation of 125 tax officials from Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, and Georgia. In support of this event, the BRITA-CEG provided an online training platform, ensuring seamless access and participation for all attendees and also invited Professor Bernard Schneider as the lecturer. Professor Schneider is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Tax Law, Academic Director of the Institute of Tax Law, and Director of the LLM in International Tax Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London. His expertise and insights enriched the learning experience for all participants.
  • 18 April 2024

    On 18 April, the BRITACOM hosted an event on “Strengthening Communication for Better Trust and Cooperation”. At the invitation of the BRITACOM Secretariat, embassy officials in Beijing from the BRI jurisdictions including Kazakhstan, Algeria, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Ethiopia, D.R. Congo, Cameroon, Peru, and Azerbaijan, as well as representatives from international organizations such as the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), paid a visit to the Secretariat and participated in a round-table meeting on the vision for tax administration cooperation among developing economies.
    While marking the fifth anniversary of the BRITA-COM, this event aimed to review the evolutionary development of the BRITACOM and embrace a better development vision to promote the building of a pragmatic and efficient tax cooperation mechanism, which would in turn contribute to the establishment of a growth-friendly tax environment.
  • April 2024

    In order to further improve the quality of the courses, the BRITACEG extensively solicited opinions from all relevant parties and organized experts to review and improve the courses, so as to ensure a more scientific structure, more reasonable settings and up-to-date contents. The improvement of the course on “Introduction of Tax Systems” was completed in March 2024, and all the revised videos were updated on the website of the BRITA·Yangzhou, and used in the new round of online training in early April of 2024.
  • 28 March 2024

    The Task Force Meeting on Raising Tax Certainty was held on 28 March 2024.  The co-chairs and members of Raising Tax Certainty Task Force, and the BRITACOM Secretariat attended the meeting. The Virtual Seminar on Raising Tax Certainty was preceded by the Task Force Meeting, attracting more than 260 representatives from BRITACOM Member Tax Administrations, Observers, the Advisory Board and the businesses from over 20 jurisdictions.

    The Task Force Meeting and the Virtual Seminar on Raising Tax Certainty facilitated the sharing of best practices among BRITACOM parties, helped to improve the outcome of the Raising Tax Certainty Task Force, which will be re-leased at the fifth BRITACOF, and contribute to the building of a growth-friendly tax environment.

  • 28-29 February 2024

    The BRITACOM Secretariat sent officials to attend the 16th annual Silk Road Tax Forum, during which the Secretariat introduced the BRITACOM through a keynote speech themed “Building a Growth-Friendly Tax Environment: A Snapshot of the BRITACOM” to present the general picture and progress of the BRITACOM. The two-day meeting pro-vided stakeholders an opportunity to share knowledge and dis-cuss important tax issues for countries in the Silk Road region.
  • 25 January 2024

    The Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITACEG) and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) held an online meeting discussing the operation of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM) and the enhancement of tax administration capacity, and ex-changing possibilities for future cooperation. ATAF, a partner of the BRITACEG, has been actively participating in the activities of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF) and the BRITACEG, and contributing experience to the development of the BRITA-COM. The two sides will further strengthen communication and cooperation, give full play to their respective advantages and resources to expand their influence, and contribute to the joint improvement of tax administration capacity.


  • December 2023

    The BRITACOM Secretariat sent officials to attend the annual conference of CIAT and Study Group on Asian Tax Administration and Research (SGATAR), during which the Secretariat promoted the BRITACOM through introducing its mission and vision, recent progress, and future plans. Besides, the Secretariat also received colleagues from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC), Embassy of Poland based in China, etc. to exchange views on deepening the substantial cooperation under the framework of the BRITACOM.
  • December 2023

    Focusing on the needs and interests of BRI tax officials, the BRITACEG designed a series of events with BRI characteristics. Since its establishment in 2019, the BRITACEG has already launched over 60 high quality online and onsite training programs, participated by more than 4,000 tax officials from over 120 jurisdictions. The online training programs are open to tax officials in a certain period, which provide more flexibility and save both time and cost. The onsite training programs are launched in the form of workshop and field study, offering attendees opportunities to visit local tax admin-istrations, tax service centers, etc., which serves as a very good integration of theory and practice.
  • 12 December 2023

    The Virtual Seminar on Raising Tax Certainty was held on 12 December 2023. More than 160 representatives from the BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations, Observers, the Advisory Board, and businesses attended the seminar. All participants and speakers contributed to this informative and engaging event.

  • 5 December 2023

    The Virtual Seminar with the theme of Experiences of Tax Administration Digitalization was co-hosted by the BRI-TACOM Secretariat and the State Revenue Committee of Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, Chair of Promoting Tax Administration Digitalization task force under the framework of Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024) on 5 December 2023, attracting more than 200 representatives including BRITA-COM Council Member Tax Administrations, Observers, the Advisory Board and businesses from over 20 jurisdictions.
  • December 2023

    Under the framework of Curriculum System Version 1.0, the BRITACEG has sped up its progress of online courses released on the BRITA website ( By the end of 2023, 65 courses will be launched under the theme of Tax System, Tax Administration and Digitalization, Tax En-vironment and Taxpayer Service, and Tax Cooperation, which include 8 topics, and 27 sub-topics, aiming to enhance the ca-pacity of BRI tax officials in an all-round way.
  • October 2023

    As 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the BRI, the BRI-TACOM Secretariat has received around 15 congratulatory letters and videos from the BRITACOM parties including Uruguay, Singapore and Hungary, expressing their congratula-tions and appreciation to both the BRI and the BRITACOM, and making constructive suggestions to the progress of the BRITACOM.
  • Mid-November to Mid-December 2023

    The sixth Theme Day Event of the BRITACOM from mid-November to mid-December, focusing on tax policies, tax administration, taxpayer services, and tax incentives for invest-ment of Latin American countries, is co-organised by Uruguay, Ecuador, and the Inter-American Centre of Tax Administra-tions (CIAT).The virtual seminar of the event was held on 16 November with speakers sharing their views and practices on the above-mentioned topics, attended by representatives from the BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations, Ob-servers, the Advisory Board, and businesses. More information about the theme day event could be found on the dedicated webpage of the BRITACOM website.
  • 11-13 September 2023

    The Fourth Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF) themed “Improving Tax Environment” was convened in Tbilisi, Georgia on 11-13 Sep-tember 2023. More than 300 delegates, including 25 heads and deputy heads of tax authorities from 32 jurisdictions, and repre-sentatives and experts from 10 international organizations and world-famous enterprises attended this event onsite or remote-ly. The Fourth BRITACOF dropped the curtain with fruitful outcomes, namely Joint Statement of the Fourth BRITACOF, Action Plan for Improving Tax Environment (2023-2025), Improving Tax Environment — Best Practice, Improving Tax Environment — Theme Day Events, BRITACEG Curriculum System Version 1.0, and Annual Report of the BRITACOM (2023).
  • Mid-July to Mid-August 2023

    During mid-July to mid-August of 2023, the fifth Tax Administration Theme Day Event highlighting Eurasia is co-organised by the Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Hungary tax administrations. The virtual seminar of the fifth event with speakers sharing views and practices on their current tax poli-cies, tax administration, taxpayer services, and tax incentives for investment was concluded on 20 July, attracting participation of businesses, the BRITACOM Council Member Tax Adminis-trations, Observers, and members of the Advisory Board. More information about the theme day event could be found on the dedicated webpage of the BRITACOM website.
  • 9 June 2023

    On 9 June 2023, the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Admin-istration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITACEG) orga-nized an exchange program, gathering the Belt and Road Ini-tiative Tax Academy (BRITA)·Macao participants to visit the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Guangdong, China. BRITACEG Director, Director of the BRITA·Macao, and Director of the Financial Services Bureau of Macao, China, Mr. IONG Kong Leong, together with 13 tax officials from Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, and Sao Tome and Principe, participat-ed in the Cooperative and Exchange Conference on Taxation in Support of the Promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and visited the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao, and the Zhuhai Hengqin Bringbuys Network Technology Co., Ltd.
  • May 2023

    In May 2023, the BRITACEG has assisted the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO), an educational and training institution directly under the Ministry of Commerce of China, to host 2 onsite tax training events under the auspices of China International Development Coop-eration Agency (CIDCA), with the participation of 42 participants from 12 countries - Sri Lanka, Lesotho, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nepal, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ghana, Iraq, Bolivia, Cuba and Uzbekistan.
  • April 2023

    In April 2023, the BRITACEG launched four online classes on the BRITA website (, with the theme of  Tax Administration and Digitalization, Tax Environment and Taxpayer Service, Tax System and Tax Cooper-ation, which are open to participation from 28 April to 30 June 2023.
  • 18 May 2023

    The fourth Theme Day event of the BRITACOM was held from middle May to middle June. On 18 May, the virtual seminar of the fourth event was successfully co-or-ganized by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZAT-CA) of Saudi Arabia, Iranian National Tax Administration (INTA), and the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) of the Unit-ed Arab Emirates. Speakers shared their views and prac-tices on current tax policies, tax administration, taxpayer services, and tax incentives for investment. Representatives from BRITACOM Member TAs, Observers, the Advisory Board, and the businesses attended the meeting.
  • 16 March 2023

    On 16 March 2023, the BRITACOM Virtu-al Roundtable Meeting was successfully held for the BRITACOM partners to follow up with the Fourth BRITACOF, to discuss on the BRITACEG Curriculum System Version 1.0, and to advise on the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Journal (BRITJ), which was well-received by the participating representatives from the BRITACOM Member Tax Administrations (TAs), Observers, the Ad-visory Board, and the Editorial Advisory Board of the BRITJ.
  • February 2023

    In February 2023, the BRITACEG Curriculum System Version 1.0 was released. Focusing on the mandate of tax administration capacity enhancement, the Curriculum comprises four themes that are highly associated with functions and duties of tax administrations, namely, Tax System, Tax Administration and Digitalization, Tax Environment and Taxpayer Service, and Tax Cooperation, which include 8 topics, 27 sub-topics and 65 courses.
  • January 2023

    As proposed in the Council Meeting during the Third BRITACOF, Mr. Wang Daoshu, Deputy Commissioner of the State Taxation Administration of China, and Mr. Yermek Kozhabergenov, Head of the International Relations Division of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, are reappointed as Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary of the BRITACOM Secretariat respectively. Mr. Iong Kong Leong, Director of Financial Services Bureau of Macao, China, is appointed as Director of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITA-CEG).


  • December 2022

    In December 2022, the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academy (BRITA) in Macao conducted a virtual seminar on Transfer Pricing Primer with the participation of over 60 representatives from 6 jurisdictions. In the same month, a virtual lecture on Management and Adoption of Big Data in Tax Administration was conducted by BRITA·Astana, attended by over 90 tax offi-cials from Kazakhstan.
  • December 2022

    In December 2022, pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM), the Fourth Conference of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Coopera-tion Forum (BRITACOF), centering on Improving Tax Environment, is set to be hosted by the Revenue Service of the Minis-try of Finance of Georgia on 11-13 September 2023 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
  • Late November to Late December 2022

    The third theme day event of the BRITACOM was held from late November to late December. On 30 November, the virtual seminar of the third event, co-organized by tax administrations of Algeria, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, and West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF), was successfully held. Speakers shared their views and practices on current tax policies, tax administration, taxpayer services, tax incentives for investment, etc. Representatives from BRITACOM Members, Observers, the Advisory Board, and the businesses attended the meeting.
  • 29 September 2022

    A BRITACOM training program themed Exchange of Information and Inter-Agency Cooperation in Combating Tax Crimes, co-hosted by the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academy of Kazakhstan, Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law Vienna-WU Global Tax Policy Center, and the BRITACOM Secretariat, was held on 29 September 2022. Professor Jeffrey Owens, a member of the BRITACOM Advisory Board and his team shared their researches and practices on tax transparency and exchange of information, access to information on beneficial owners, unexplained wealth orders, the role of inter-agency cooperation, and lessons from the African experience. All participants and speakers contributed to this informative and engaging event.
  • 15 September 2022

    Since 15 September 2022, the BRITACEG has launched four intermediate online courses on the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academy website (, covering the topics of dispute resolution, digitalization of tax administration, VAT reform and taxpayer service, which are open until 31 December 2022. The intermediate courses of the BRITACEG is for tax officials with moderate practical experiences and theoretical level.

  • 19-21 September 2022

    The Third Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (the Third BRITACOF) themed “Enhancing Tax Administration Capacity Building in the Post-Pandemic Era” was held on 19-21 September 2022. Nearly 300 delegates, including heads of ministries of finance and tax authorities from 40 jurisdictions and representatives from 12 international organizations, attended this event either onsite in Algiers or online.

    The Third BRITACOF was hosted by the General Directorate of Taxes of Algeria, aiming to build a growth-friendly tax environment, enhance tax administration capacity building in the post-pandemic era, promote tax administration in the Belt and Road Initiative jurisdictions, and facilitate global economic recovery with taxation functions. Six outcomes were released during the Third BRITACOF, including the Joint Statement of the Third BRITACOF, the BRITACEG curriculum system, the establishment of the BRITACEG Expert Group, the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academies network, the Rules and Regulations on the BRITACEG, and the Annual Report of the BRITACOM (2022).

  • Early August to Early September 2022

    The second theme day event of the BRITACOM was held from early August to early September. On 4 August, the virtual seminar of the second event co-organized by tax administrations of Indonesia, Myanmar and Singapore was successfully held. Speakers from those three tax administrations shared their tax administration system, tax incentives for “bringing in” enterprises, taxpayer services, etc. Representatives from BRITACOM Members, Observers, the Advisory Board, and the businesses attended the meeting.
  • 15 July 2022

    The Virtual Seminar on Mobile Applications for the Fulfillment of Tax Obligations by Citizens and Entrepreneurs was held on 15 July 2022. Representatives from the BRITACOM Members, Observers, the Advisory Board, and the businesses attended the meeting. Four speakers from tax administrations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Italy and China made presentations on their respective practices in making use of mobile application in tax administration. Representatives from the Ernst & Young and other businesses commented on each presentation, and emphasized that mobile application could be a valuable tool if applied properly.

  • July 2022

    Based on the Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024), the BRITACOM has released on the BRITACOM official website ( a compilation of 12 BRITACOM jurisdictions tax policies to improve information sharing among BRITACOM parties, promote facilitation of trade and investment, and optimize tax environment. So far tax policies from 12 BRITACOM Members have been uploaded on the website, and the BRITACOM Secretariat is planning to cover more tax administrations to continuously improve the database.
  • Mid-June to Mid-July 2022

    According to the Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024), three theme day events were held in 2022 with the theme of “Better Connection for a Better Future” to build a platform for communication between tax administrations and businesses and improve the doing business environment. Each theme day event lasts for around one month, and consists of a virtual seminar, an online exhibition, and an interactive Q&A module. The first theme day event was held from mid-June to mid-July 2022.

    The virtual seminar of the first event was held on 23 June 2022, co-organized by the State Taxation Administration of China, the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong SAR, China and the Financial Services Bureau of  Macao SAR, China. Speakers from the above-mentioned tax administrations presented their tax administration system, tax incentives for “bringing in” enterprises, taxpayer services, etc. Representatives from BRITACOM Members and Observers, the Advisory Board, and the businesses attended the meeting and had exchanges with speakers on key topics and issues.
  • April-November 2022

    From April to November 2022, the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITACEG) cooperated with China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) to launch a series of online courses, covering topics of VAT reform, tax dispute resolution, taxpayer service and business environment, the use of information technologies in tax administration, etc. More than 100 tax officials from tax and finance departments of over 20 jurisdictions have participated in these programs.

  • April 2022

    Given the significance of tax environment on investment attraction, foreign exchange and international competitiveness, the Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024) adopted by the 2nd BRITACOF has listed improving tax environment as one of the main topics and encouraged BRITACOM parties to improve their tax environment by preparing taxation guidelines, optimizing procedures of tax law application, providing targeted services to taxpayers and improving taxpayers’ compliance. The Special Edition of the BRITACOM Update on Improving Tax Environment is issued on the BRITACOM website (
    Tax_Environment/)since October 2021, aiming to provide a platform for BRITACOM parties to exchange views and share experience for improving tax environment. So far, special editions for Georgia, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong SAR of China, Singapore, and UK have been released.
  • April 2022

    Since October 2021, the BRITACEG has taken phased steps to launch four elementary online courses on the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academy website (, covering dispute resolution, digitalization of tax administration, VAT reform, and taxpayer service, which were open until 15 April 2022. Over 400 tax officials from more than 20 jurisdictions have attended these courses. Trainees surveyed generally provided positive feedback, expressing their senses of benefit in terms of work and study, and their willingness to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to their practices in the future.

  • 27 April - 8 May 2022

    From 27 April to 8 May 2022, the BRITACOM has hosted a training program featuring tax dispute resolution in the form of live course plus video course with experts introducing theories and sharing experiences. To keep the courses interactive, 37 tax officials from five jurisdictions attended this program with in-depth introduction from the lecturers and exchanges from the participants. Participants speak highly of the curriculum design, course quality and the faculty, which has definitely enhanced their capacities in resolving tax disputes.
  • 18 April 2022

    18 April 2022 marks the Third Anniversary of the BRITACOM. With the firm support and contribution of all relevant parties, the BRITACOM has progressed smoothly over the past three years and has gained fruitful achievements. The Secretariat set up a special celebration banner on the BRITACOM website homepage ( for people to review the milestones of the BRITACOM and send their best wishes. The pivotal role of all parties in strengthening cooperation and communication, and deepening sharing and understanding for a brighter future of BRITACOM has all contributed to the vision of building a growth-friendly tax environment.

  • 31 March 2022

    The Virtual Seminar on Advance Tax Ruling of Large Businesses was held on 31 March 2022. Representatives from the BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations, Observers, the Advisory Board, and businesses attended the meeting. Speakers introduced their practices in implementing advance tax ruling and raising tax certainty, and also shared their views on the further improvement of advance tax ruling of large businesses. All participants and speakers contributed to this informative and engaging event.

  • March 2022

    In March 2022, BRITACOM was listed in International Tax Review (ITR) Global Tax 50 2021-22. The Global Tax list is an annual event since 2011, highlighting the most influential individuals, organizations, and geopolitical events in the tax world. The article of the ITR titled The rise of the Britacom points out that there is still intense competition in global trade, and BRITACOM has a crucial role to play in forging greater tax cooperation among BRI jurisdictions. This is a great honor for the whole BRITACOM family, showing that the concerted efforts made by the entire BRITACOM community began to pay off in its great cause to contribute to the establishment of a growth-friendly tax environment.


  • 23 December 2021

    A virtual meeting between General Directorate of Taxes of Algeria and the BRITACOM Secretariat was held on 23 December 2021 to discuss the 3rd BRITACOF. With the confirmation of both sides, the 3rd BRITACOF with the theme of Enhancing Tax Administration Capacity Building in the Post-Pandemic Era is to be held on 19-21 September 2022. General Directorate of Taxes of Algeria will host the 3rd BRITACOF in a hybrid way both in Algiers, Algeria and online.

  • December 2021

    The Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITACEG) is planning courses on tax dispute resolution, digitalization of tax administration, taxpayer service, and VAT reform. The Secretariat is planning to design these courses in three tiers for tax officials with different seniority and backgrounds. The elementary level, presented via online programs, is best suited for tax officials with rudimentary experience; the intermediate level fits officials who are moderately experienced in the field and is delivered in the form of online lectures and case studies; and the advanced level is for veterans and is taught on-site with lectures, seminars and group discussions. Since October 2021, the elementary level courses on tax dispute resolution and digitalization of tax administration have been opened to all BRITACOM parties, and the elementary level courses on the other two topics will be available online by the end of this December.

  • 15 October and
    16 December 2021

    The virtual seminars on Resolution of Tax Disputes and Digital Transformation of Tax Administrations were held on 15 October 2021 and 16 December 2021 respectively. Representatives from the BRITACOM council member tax administrations, observers, members of the advisory board, and business attended the meeting. All participants and speakers contributed to this informative and engaging event.

  • June - October 2021

    The virtual course on Tax Service was held from 14 June to 31 October 2021, mainly covering the art of tax administration, country practices of tax services, etc. with the total duration of 5 hours. Nearly 160 tax officials from 14 jurisdictions attended this course.

  • 9 September 2021

    The Third BRITACOF will be hosted by the Algerian Directorate-General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance. Mrs. Amel Abdelatif, Director General of Taxes of Algeria extended her appreciation to the BRITACOM, stressed the importance of tax digitalization, introduced measures taken by the Algerian tax authority in this aspect, and invited participants to attend the Third BRITACOF in Algeria during the closing ceremony of the Second BRITACOF on 9 September 2021.

  • 7 - 9 September 2021

    The Second BRITACOF themed “Digitalization of Tax Administration” was convened virtually on 7-9 September, attracting heads and representatives of tax authorities from 61 jurisdictions including China, Kazakhstan, Algeria, UAE, Uruguay, Sierra Leone, Singapore, and Russia, and heads of 12 international organizations, as well as representatives from the academia and the business.


    The three-day event, hosted by the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, features 4 topics, namely, Tax Administration Digitalization, Tax Service Digitalization, New Technologies in Taxation, and Tax-Related Data Governance. It aims to facilitate the establishment of a growth-friendly tax environment, open a new chapter of digitalized tax administration in the information age, promote taxation development against the backdrop of the BRI, and contribute to the global economic recovery through sound development of the BRITACOM and enhanced capacity of tax administration.


    Four outcomes were released during the BRITACOF, namely, the Joint Statement of the Second Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum, the Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024), the Annual Report of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (2021), and the Final Reports of Five Task Forces of the Wuzhen Action Plan (2019-2021).

  • 7 September 2021

    During the Council Meeting on 7 September, Mr. Ali Altynbayev, Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, was appointed as the BRITACOM Council Chair. Mr. Khalid Ali Albustani, Director General of the Federal Tax Authority of the United Arab Emirates, Ms. Margarita Faral, Director General of Dirección General Impositivaof Uruguay, Mr. Paata Kiladze, Deputy Head of the Revenue Service LEPL of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, and Ms. Tuma Adama Jabbi, Chairperson of National Revenue Authority of Sierra Leone were elected BRITACOM Council Vice-Chairs.

  • 28 July - 2 August 2021

    From 28 July to 2 August 2021, a string of virtual Task Force meetings of the BRITACOM were successfully held online to discuss the work progress of the final reports of the five Task Forces established at the First BRITACOF, with a variety of views obtained from relevant parties and next steps proposed.


    Chairs of five Task Forces hosted the meetings and updated participants on the progress of drafting the final reports on Enhancing Tax Administration Capacity, Expediting Tax Dispute Resolution, Following Rule of Law and Raising Tax Certainty, Digitalization of Tax Administration, and Streamlining Tax Compliance. Members of the Task Forces and Advisory Board expressed views on how to improve the final reports, proposed effective solutions to practical difficulties and measures to further task force work, and reached broad consensus on the next steps.

  • January - July 2021

    BRITA·Yangzhou uploaded a video course on Expediting Tax Dispute Resolution, which was accessible to tax officials of BRITACOM Member Tax Administrations and Observers from 11 January to 11 July 2021. Over 300 tax officials from 22 jurisdictions have joined the course.

  • 24 June 2021

    The Virtual Seminar on Tax Treaty was held on 24 June 2021. Representatives from BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations, Observers, members of the Advisory Board, and business attended the seminar. Four presenters shared the practices in their jurisdictions and researches on tax treaty, triggering discussions and reflections among participants. The BRITACOM will organize more seminars to facilitate communication among the BRITACOM parties, forge consensus, and enhance cooperation to build a growth-friendly tax environment.

  • 21 April 2021

    A virtual meeting between BRITACOM and State Revenue Committee of Kazakhstan (SRC), host of the Second Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF), was held on 21 April to discuss the logistics of the forum. Considering the global pandemic situation, the two sides decided to hold the Second BRITACOF in September 2021 online.

  • 8 April & 15 April 2021

    The third and the last seminar of the seminar series focusing on tax administration digitalization themed Tax-related Data Governance and Application, was held virtually on 8 April 2021. BRITACOM parties exchanged experiences and views on data governance and application, highlighting the importance of data in supporting the administration of tax authorities. With the valuable sharing of keynote speakers and active engagement of all participants, the seminar contributed substantive content to this important topic.


    The follow-up meeting of the seminar on Tax-related Data Governance and Application was held on 15 April 2021. Representatives from BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations and Observers attended the meeting. The close of this seminar marked the end of the virtual seminar series featuring tax administration digitalization.


  • 15-17 March 2021

    BRITACOM co-hosted a virtual course with the IMF and the State Taxation Administration of China on Current International Issues in Tax Law Design on 15-17 March 2021. The course covered several topics such as COVID-19 and Tax Law Design, Corporate Taxation in the Global Economy, and Taxation of Foreign Direct Investment, which was very well received by 30 participants from 13 jurisdictions.


  • 15 December 2020

    The High-level Virtual Conference featuring New Challenges, New Opportunities, and Future: Development Planning of Tax Digitalization in the Context of the Global Pandemic was held on 15 December 2020, participated by representatives from BRITACOM Member Tax Administrations, Observers, Advisory Board, international organizations and businesses. Participants shared experiences of making development planning of tax digitalization, introduced the digitalization technologies of taxpayer service, and exchanged views on how tax digitalization could serve state governance and thus stressed the importance of international cooperation.

  • November 2020
    - January 2021 2020

    BRITA·Macao held a video course on Prevention and Resolution of Cross-Border Tax Disputes during November 2020 and January 2021 among Portuguese-speaking jurisdictions attended by 71 tax officials from 7 jurisdictions. This course introduced the existing mechanisms to prevent and resolve international tax disputes and the implementation and application in domestic legislation.

  • October - December 2020

    In October 2020, the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Academy (BRITA) in Nursultan held a virtual course on Transfer Pricing 2.0 with the participation of over 30 representatives from tax administrations and international organizations. A virtual course with the theme of Implementation and Discussion of BEPS Steps was held in December 2020 participated by 60 officials from various jurisdictions.

  • July - October 2020

    Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, international travel and on-site training events were suspended. To cushion the impact of the virus, the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITACEG) delivered five online training programs from July to October 2020 for more than 350 participants from 31 BRI jurisdictions, featuring Large Business Management, Risk Management, Country-by-Country Reporting, Tax Treaties and Training for Trainers respectively.

  • 23 October 2020

    Since the establishment of the BRITACOM in April 2019, two more Member Tax Administrations and eight more Observers have joined the BRITACOM by completing related processes based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Establishment of the BRITACOM. So far, there have been 36 Member Tax Administrations and 30 Observers spanning from Asia to Africa, Europe, America, and Oceania, working together on tax matters for removing barriers to cross-border trade and investment, boosting coordinated regional development, and inclusive growth in the context of economic globalization.

  • 2 June - 22 October 2020

    Since the virtual meeting featuring Responding to COVID-19: BRITACOM Perspective on 2 June 2020, the BRITACOM Secretariat has hosted a series of virtual events, which provide the BRITACOM parties more opportunities to exchange views and share experiences in such challenging times. Considering the theme of the Second Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF) and the significance of tax digitalization, especially in the fight against COVID-19, the BRITACOM Secretariat has held three working-level seminars featuring tax digitalization. As part of the virtual seminar series, Seminar 1 and Seminar 2 (each seminar includes one working level seminar plus one follow-up meeting), with the theme of Business Continuity in Response to COVID-19 and Service and Administration of VAT in Digital Time, took place from 30 July to 22 October 2020. Representatives from BRITACOM Member Tax Administrations, Observers, Advisory Board, international organizations, and businesses attended the seminars. Participants exchanged views on digitalization in the areas of tax consultation, tax publicity, and taxpayer services to maintain business continuity during the pandemic and shared experiences in service and administration of VAT in digital times.

  • 24 September 2020

    More than 20 members of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Journal(BRITJ) Editorial Advisory Board around the world attended the annual meeting, expressing their support and providing their insightful views on the first issue, on BRITJ’s development and the role of the Editorial Advisory Board in general. The BRITJ, while featuring the distinct characteristics of BRI jurisdictions,  provides an indispensable platform for deepening tax communication and cooperation, and gives full play to its role as a “think tank” by providing intellectual support for BRI jurisdictions to improve domestic tax environment, strengthen tax administration cooperation, and build a growth-friendly tax environment.

  • 4 August
    - 23 September 2020

    Five virtual meetings of task forces of the BRITACOM Wuzhen Action Plan (2019-2021) on Expediting Tax Dispute Resolution, Following Rule of Law and Raising Tax Certainty, Enhancing Tax Administration Capacity, Digitalizing Tax Administration, and Streamlining Tax Compliance took place successfully from 4 August to 23 September 2020. Chair of each task force updated participants on the progress of each task force. Members of the task forces and the Advisory Board exchanged views on each interim report and reached consensus on next steps.

  • 12 June 2020

    The Launch Ceremony of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Journal (BRITJ) was held in Beijing, China on 12 June 2020. The BRITJ provides an important platform for communication and cooperation among tax administrations of the BRI jurisdictions, through which the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM) Member Tax Administrations, Observers, and other relevant parties could share insights for the formulation and development of effective tax policies and tax systems, and exchange innovative practices and invaluable experiences.

  • 2 June 2020

    In response to the COVID-19, the Secretariat of the BRITACOM organized a virtual meeting on 2 June 2020 for experience sharing and exchanging, allowing BRITACOM parties to stay close online in such challenging time. Tax administrations shared their experience on the fiscal and tax policies, and collection and administration measures to respond to the pandemic. Experts from the Advisory Board and international organizations analyzed and reviewed policies and measures and provided suggestions for tax administrations. Taking this opportunity, the BRITACOM Secretariat also updated the BRITACOM progress since the First BRITACOF and participants provided suggestions for the future operation.

  • 2 June 2020

    Being the official platform of the BRITACOM, the website ( was launched to release news, enhance communication, provide tax services, etc. among all the BRITACOM stakeholders. Later on, the training programs of the BRITACEG, international tax policies, tax treaties, and other useful knowledge products will also be shared on this platform.

  • 15 March 2020

    At the challenging moment of fighting the COVID-19, the Special Edition of the BRITACOM Update on COVID-19 was issued, providing a platform for BRITACOM Council Member Tax Administrations, Observers, and other stakeholders to exchange views and share experiences in responding to the outbreak. The measures and policies rolled out by tax administrations, and views provided by international organizations and experts were circulated through this platform.


  • 6-8 November 2019

    Tax officials from 8 countries and regions, as well as members or their representatives from the Advisory Board participated in the Seminar. The participants agreed that the digitalization of tax administration would be the theme of the Second BRITACOF. Besides focusing on the construction of the BRITACEG and the implementation of the Wuzhen Action Plan (2019-2021), all participants actively exchanged views on the BRITA working plan and the building of the BRITACEG experts team and explored options for efficient communication of Task Forces on five identified topics.

  • 27-31 May 2019

    The BRITACEG hosted its first face-to-face training event on Tax Dispute Resolution in BRITA·Yangzhou in China during 27-31 May 2019 with 27 tax officials from 13 jurisdictions including Kazakhstan, Sierra Leone, and Ukraine, etc. attending the event. The framework and procedures of tax dispute resolution and BEPS Action Plan 14, etc. were introduced through the lectures by tax experts and discussions among the participating tax officials. This BRITACEG training, which was a well-acclaimed milestone, kicked off the training series of the BRITACOM.

  • 18-20 April 2019

    In order to strengthen tax administration cooperation under the BRI framework guided by the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration, the BRITACOM was officially launched at the First Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF) in Wuzhen, China from 18 to 20 April 2019. Heads and their representatives of tax administrations or finance departments from 85 jurisdictions, 16 international organizations, and a number of academic institutions and businesses participated in this conference.


    The BRITACOM mainly consists of the Council, the decision-making body, and the Secretariat, a liaison office supporting the daily operation of the BRITACOM. Two key pillars underpin the success of the BRITACOM — the BRITACOF and the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (BRITACEG). In addition, an Advisory Board was established to advise on and assist in fulfilling the vision and the purpose of the BRITACOM.


    The BRITACEG and its network — BRI Tax Academy (BRITA) Yangzhou and Beijing, were established at the First BRITACOF. Meanwhile, based on the in-depth discussions on the five interlocking tax topics, i.e., (i) following rule of law; (ii) raising tax certainty; (iii) expediting tax dispute resolution; (iv) streamlining tax compliance and digitalizing tax administration; and (v) enhancing tax administration capacity, the BRITACOM Council adopted the Wuzhen Statement and the Wuzhen Action Plan (2019- 2021).


    NO. 3(A) Longqing Street, Economic and
    Technological Development Area,
    Beijing, CHINA


    BRITACOM Secretariat Office

    Tel:0086-10-6198-6165, 0086-10-6198-6158