The Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism(hereinafter referred to as "BRITACOM") is a non-profit official mechanism for tax administration cooperation amongst the jurisdictions that subscribe to the Belt and Road Initiative (hereinafter referred to as “BRI jurisdictions”). It is operated on the basis of respecting sovereignty and laws of all participating jurisdictions.
The vision of the BRITACʘM is to facilitate trade and investment, foster economic growth of the BRI jurisdictions and contribute to the fulfillment of inclusive and sustainable development as set out in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The BRITACʘM aims to contribute to building a growth-friendly tax environment through cooperation and sharing of best practices in following rule of law, raising tax certainty, expediting tax dispute resolution, improving taxpayer service, and enhancing tax capacity building.
The BRITACʘM consists of the Council, the Secretariat, the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (hereinafter abbreviated as “BRITACOF”), and the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Capacity Enhancement Group (hereinafter abbreviated as “BRITACEG”).
The Council is the decision-making body of the BRITACʘM. A Council Member is the head (or his/her authorized representative) of the Tax Administration (hereinafter referred to as "TA") of a BRI jurisdiction that has signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the BRITACʘM (hereinafter referred to as “MoU”) . The Council meeting, funded by the host Member TA of the BRITACOF conference, should be held at least once in each calendar year coinciding with the dates and venue of the BRITACOF conference. The Advisory Board may be established by the Council, consisting of prominent figures from international organizations, academic institutions, businesses and other related fields.
The BRITACOF is a non-profit official event authorized by the Council. In principle, the BRITACOF conference should be hosted every 12 months.
The BRITACEG is a network composed of willing Member TAs and Observers of the Council which, making full use of their existing training institutions or expertise, are dedicated to conducting tax-related training, research and technical assistance programs.
The Secretariat, not a legal entity, is the liaison office of the BRITACʘM located in Beijing, supporting the routine operation of the Council, the BRITACOF and the BRITACEG.